Bringing home a Rescue dog when you have one or more dogs

Monkey see monkey do! Dogs speak dog… ‘Well duh’ I hear you saying! They are ever so in tune with what the others are doing and will more often than not copy all the worst stuff – very rarely the good. Anything that involves excitement, adrenaline etc. such as barking, chasing, jumping and such like […]
Scared puppy?

What do I do if pup is scared of something and how will I know if they are scared or stressed? If they become scared of something or spooked, do not pull them toward it, give them some space and time to decide if they can overcome their fear and be more inquisitive and praise […]
Training – Rules to live by

3 minutes! Concentration, environments & distractions When is it best to start training with my puppy? Training is the process of teaching and the student learning. In the case of puppies, they are the eternal student and the trainer/teacher is the world around them, not just you. An 8-week-old puppy is a little sponge constantly […]
Correct socialisation?

The big misunderstanding when it comes to socialisation Socialising a puppy the right way needs to be more about the environment, the weather, traffic, different types of people, pushchairs, trolleys, noises, smells, sights, different surfaces – the human world and all it entails. There is a big misconception that puppy must meet every dog it […]
A heap of puppies. Which do you choose?

Now once you have met the mother of the pups and are happy with her temperament and happy with the breeder how do you pick which puppy to take home? They are all cute and mischievous at 6-8 weeks when most people view a litter, so it’s hard to know which one is a good […]
Train your dog less!

Now I don’t know about you but I’m all for having ‘kit’ whether it be cooking gadgets, stationary (don’t get me started…hubby has banned me from going to Staples!), all the latest gear for my pony, the most efficient layers/thermal skins for the cold weather… and this applies to when I train my own dogs […]