A new site with more ways to Maven!

Hi and welcome! I’m so excited to launch this new site, so many more functions and features and ways to help you be the best dog guardians you can be.

As a whistle stop tour, here is what you can now access …

  • The brand spanking new maven crew membership – it really does pay to be on the inside!
  • Immediately accessible course, watch in your own time
  • Get my books delivered direct, signed if you like, with a lovely little gift with each purchase too
  • Pre orders on new titles I’m frantically typing and creating
  • Blogs
  • News on seminars and workshops I’m running both in person and online

An update at my end, I took a couple of months out from MM in 2022, I was sadly down to only 2 dogs, I said good bye to the old smelly bouncy boy that was Ziggy, at 16.5 years of age he was ready. Whilst I thought I would deal with it ok as he had had such a long and happy life with me, I never considered just how hard it would be, he was with me before I set up my first business, had been with me through every adult relationship I have had. Always been my little shadow through thick and thin, he arrived with me when I was just 18 years old. I still have a tear in my eye now talking about him. It hit me harder than I could ever imagine and it will be a long process yet. I have also not had just two dogs since I was 20, considering I had six in 2019 its been a big adjustment!

The good news is a third joined us! She is already a little diva, and I will be sure to share our Journey together. Sharing the lows as much as the hopeful highs too.

As a professional it is always nerve wracking getting a new dog, yes I have the skills the knowledge and the experience, yes I have done it countless times before but every, and I mean every dog is different! No matter the amount of research and planning you do there is almost certainly going to be surprises along the way – but I know you will be part of that journey with me as I am for so many of you.

If you want to really know the nitty gritty and the reality of how I rear my guys and integrate them alongside learning more about your own dogs and how to tweak those niggling annoying habits then jump in and join the crew! A low (stupid low if I’m honest, its a steal for whats included) introductory offer to celebrate the launch is available till the end of September (once you are locked in your price will stay the same while ever you are a member).

Find out more about joining the crew

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